What our attendees are saying

“It far exceeded my expectations on the VIBES. I was blown away by the energy and thought that went into the event. It was gorgeous, extremely welcoming and I left with a smile on my face and a whole bunch of new friends. I felt that Robyn was really inspiring, loved to hear her story and she created such a great informal and relaxed tone - while making it feel like a real occasion.”

— Beth Tilley

“ Bleed on it supper club was a celebration of womanhood! The food alone was so nurturing, plentiful absolutely delicious. The energy in that room was incredible, Robyn brought women together in the most intimate way and we left feeling seen and loved and celebrated!!”

— Londie Ncube

I remember the dinner as a wonderful event, and this is why I cannot wait for the next one to come! As soon as I walked in, the social anxiety that usually becomes one of my worst enemies just dissolved, as I felt embraced by the warm atmosphere in the room. I met so many wonderful women and reunited with others I haven’t seen in ages. The event was brilliantly organized, the food was idyllic, and the shared knowledge taught me something new, resonating deeply with me.

Not to quote Beyonce in one of her lyrics, but I realized how much we are taught to see each other as competitors, and witnessing us coming together under the same roof was magical. Everyone shared bits about their experiences as women and the hardships we face in our daily cycles. I came across a few comments that made me go, ‘Dear! I go through the same things; I thought it was just me,’ and having a safe space designed to talk about these topics without taboo made me feel extremely comfortable.

I would definitely LOVE to be a part of the next one, and I am looking forward to knowing when this will happen.
— Nicoletta Bonanno